Hi, It has been awhile. I have been busy creating new designs and painting my shop. It is almost time to open for the season. Time sure flies. My new pattern is a Gardening Hare. What fun this one is. No making cloths because they are painted on. He holds a bunch of carrots and peas.
Well, it is back to the drawing board. Have a nice weekend. Gloria
I have been married to my husband for 37 yrs. I have 3 wonderful adult children . My beautiful daughter and 2 sons. I am very proud of all three of them. I am very blessed with 9 grandchildren. Two sets of twins! Five girls and 4 boys. We also have a wonderful daughter in-law. I am very proud of her too.
I own and operate a seasonal gift shop. It is called Lowell Country Gifts.
I work at this job full time year round.